OUR Old Events

Vision Adhiparasakthi Annai illam symbolizes the word ‘hope’ (hold on pain ends) and ensures the
rehabilitation of special children and endeavors to establish their right.

World Physiotherapy Day

World Physiotherapy Day is being celebrated every year worldwide on September 08. In Adhiparasakthi Annai Illam it was celebrated throughout a week from 6th – 13th September 2013.


children of APAI made their hand impressions to wish and show their gratitude towards the physiotherapists working for them all over this world.

Parent Orientation Programme

parent orientation programme conducted to orient everyone to know about the basic details of their child which may help them to understand their child, help and act as needed.

Parent Workshop

workshop for every parent has been conducted to train them various skills like carrying techniques, feeding techniques, toilet training, first aid, positioning and basic home exercises.